Sampling & Process Services
LAVAL Innovations Division has the capability to support all
Compression Tool or moulding process tryouts. Your
tool tryout and product sampling can be facilitated by one
or more of our 5 hydraulic presses: 250 Ton, 300 Ton, 500 Ton,
1,000 Ton and 2,000 Ton capacities.
Our press availability is open to all customers
regardless as to whom your tool was sourced from
or repaired/modified by our presses are available to you.
Our Innovations Division offers experienced
processors and operators that will provide full
turnkey tool and moulding services or provide
manpower on a limited capacity per our customers’
Full documentation packages are provided with tool sampling and
process tryouts as required. Documentation includes: Tool setup specifications,
parameter details, tool temperature mapping, tool and stop plate lead check mapping,
charge weight / pattern processing and product thickness mapping.
LAVAL offers very competitive pricing based on hourly press rates and labour requirements that meet our customers’ needs.
Experience includes: compression moulding with inserts, in mould coating, thread forming actuation,
non-plated tools as well as all conventional compression moulding techniques. We have provided A-class and structural products / services for many industries including military, automotive service, heavy truck, industrial, building construction, pharmaceutical and food / beverage.